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  • improvscience at Work in Play

    improvscience at Work in Play

    improvscience designs and implements programs that develop scientists’ ability to communicate and collaborate with one another. This video highlights work with organizations and communities that contribute to improving our science enterprise.

  • Professional Presentations: Develop Your Voice

    Professional Presentations: Develop Your Voice

    Once the presentation is outlined, slides created and the talk scripted, what do you do? You perform! In this improvscience professional presentations clip, we see a graduate student before and after coaching in the community building, improvisation based workshop.

  • Boston University: Fostering Science Communication and STEM Learning

    Boston University: Fostering Science Communication and STEM Learning

    Meet Dr. Nicholas Gross, a scientist-educator, who leads conversations on the role of improvisation in STEM classrooms. In this video interview, he shares how improvisation provides a language for the kinds of interactions desired in the classroom.

  • Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education and Research

    Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education and Research

    This 2012 CESTEMER meeting brought together researchers and practitioners from a variety of scientific and educational backgrounds to explore the variety of performances being done in science and science education.

  • Living Improv Experiment: LIVE

    Living Improv Experiment: LIVE

    The Living Improv Experiment (LIVE) was created in response to the question, What can we do to engage people in science and demonstrate the power of improv in communication? Our answer: share our humanity. LIVE is improvised entertainment featuring scientists' lives.

  • Sofya Borinskaya Speaks on Play in Science

    Sofya Borinskaya Speaks on Play in Science

    improvscience interviewed graduate students, faculty, postdocs and theater practitioners on the relationship of performance and improvisation to science. Sofya shares what she sees as play in science.

  • All Stars UX: Opening improv at Science and Math Day

    All Stars UX: Opening improv at Science and Math Day

    The All Stars Project, Inc. excels at bringing people together from different backgrounds. This video, from the first Science and Math Day of UX, shows Dr. Holmes and Dr. Martinez leading participants in an improvisational game to support people getting to know one another.

  • Student Diversity and Engagement at XSEDE

    Student Diversity and Engagement at XSEDE

    The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) conference is held annually. The trailer here shows the success of the diversity efforts led by Dr. Richard Tapia and the improvscience interactive challenge.