Freedom Festival Events 2023
Juneteenth to Independence Day
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Freedom Festival Conversation
Come and hear what you and others are saying about their freedom festival experience and hopes. 12 pm (Pacific)/ 2 pm (Central) / 3 pm (Eastern)

Uncomfortable Independent Conversations: Innovative conversations on race and class in America.
Let’s discover together what is needed for cultural transformation in America around race and racism.
Event Details

The Importance of Justice For All
Let's spend some time together imagining and discussing a world where justice for all reigns supreme alongside freedom for all.
In person. Cotati, California
Event Details

Collage Play
This 90-minute session will include quiet time to create your collage in a non-judgmental, supportive, and collaborative space. July 1, 1:00 2:30 pm (Pacific)/ 4 - 5:30pm (Eastern)
Event Details

Oh, My Gourd Workshop
Local hobbyists offer participants the opportunity to explore an ancient art form. 10:00 am - 2:30 pm (Pacific Time)
In person. Cotati, CA
Event Details

Poetic Conversations: A reading of festival poetry
This in-person poetry reading brings words and images to life as people read their own and others poems in this poetic conversation. Johnny’s Java Cotati, CA 10:30 am -12 pm.
In person.
Event Details

Sunset Cinema at the Farm
During the Freedom Festival, these Thursday night movies will focus eyes and discussion on Black movies.
In Person: Sacramento, CA

"I KNOW THIS IS TRUE: Stories Of Freedom and Independence "
Join us for true accounts of personal journeys that deal with freedom and independence told by accomplished storytellers. June 29 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time.

Freedom of Movement
Join us for a fast-paced, experiential integration of the well-being of mindfulness, tai chi, and Eastern philosophy with the clarity and rationality of basic physics, JUne 28, 10:00 am — 11:30 am.
In Person: Cotati, CA

What is Democracy, Freedom and Independence for Independent Voters?
No matter where you live, you’re invited to join facilitator Sean Garrett and creativity coach Ava Grail in this special, one-off event in our emerging series of conversations with independent and independent-minded voters. June 27, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm (Pacific)

What's color and lighting got to do with freedom? A designers' panel discussion
Designed by community artist/activist and lighting designer, Lisa Aurora, these sessions will kick off with her sharing the impact of falling in love with Martin Luther King Jr. 's use of the word 'maladjusted' in his now famous speech. June 26, 12:30 pm — 1:30 pm Pacific Time.

"We Cannot Look Away Anymore*: an anti-racism book group shares our process * from Resmaa Menakem’s My Grandmother’s Hands "
We invite festival attendees to join us on Zoom as we share what we have learned and what each of us is working on with regard to dismantling systemic racism, June 25, 5:00 pm — 6:30 pm Pacific Time.

Sweet & Sour Soul: Growing Up Black & Chinese in Hawaii
Hawaiian-born and growing up with Black and Chinese parents, Frank, Lani and Randy take the opportunity to share some of what freedom and independence mean to them and how it shapes their lives, June 25, 2:30 pm Pacific Time.

Freedom-Makers: Maroons and the Underground Railroad in the Guilford Woods of North Carolina
A tour of the beginning of the Underground Railroad in North Carolina, Greensboro. In person, 4:00 - 5:00 pm (Eastern Time)
Online and in person. Greensboro, NC
Event Details & Recording

Looking for Freedom in New Paradise: a concert by Hoytus Rolen
Hoytus Rolen, composer/musician extraordinaire, is giving a free performance of his soulful, political songs for the festival, which can be attended in person or on Zoom. Saturday June 24, 1 - 2 pm (Pacific)
Online and In Person at Sebastopol, CA
Event Details & Recording

Creating Our Mental Health
A special edition of Creating Our Mental Health on Saturday June 24th at 2:00-3:30 pm (Eastern Time), in honor of Juneteenth and the Freedom Festival.
Event Details

Global Playshop
It's Global Play Brigade's quarterly Global Playshop! June 24, 7:00 am — 9:00 am Pacific Time.

Movement as Liberation
You are invited to join us for a short and sweet practice, movement, breathing, creating sound, perhaps utilizing elements of yoga, Pilates, and other modalities, June 23, 6:30 pm — 7:45 pm Pacific Time.
Location: Oakland, CA

Global Playshop
It's Global Play Brigade's quarterly Global Playshop! June 23, 5:00 pm — 7:00 pm Pacific Time.

Sunset Cinema at the Farm
Join the owners of Estate Farms and their Immersion Foundations in Sacramento, CA June 22 and 29 at 6:30pm for Sunset CInema at the Farm.
in person, Sacramento, CA
Event Details

Black Protest in Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, and Hip-Hop - Dan Belmont and Allen Cox
Take a musical tour through the 1950s to 2021 focusing on black protest songs with Dan Belmont and Allen Cox. June 21, 7:30pm — 9:00 pm Eastern Time.

Liberation or Liberty? Changing the culture of science
As part of the Freedom Festival, the Cultivating Ensembles invites you to a conversation about the culture of science, Wednesday, June 21, 10:30 am — 11:45 am Pacific Time.

Freedom and Design PechaKucha Event
Join us for an architectural PechaKucha that explores the relationship between human-centered design and freedom, June 20, 3:30 pm — 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Freedom Festival Opening Conversation
Come and hear what you and others are saying about your experience and hopes. 5:00 pm (Pacific)/ 7 pm (Central) / 8:00 pm (Eastern)
Event Details & Recording

Freedom, Liberation and Independence - Creative & Emotional Playground
Explore and play together as we creatively and emotionally discover what freedom and independence mean to us, June 19, 2:00 pm — 3:30 pm Pacific Time.

What's color and lighting got to do with freedom? A designers' panel discussion
Designed by community artist/activist and lighting designer, Lisa Aurora, these sessions will kick off with her sharing the impact of falling in love with Martin Luther King Jr. 's use of the word 'maladjusted' in his now famous speech. June 26, 12:30 pm — 1:30 pm Pacific Time.

Play, Performance, and STEAM: Celebrating Juneteenth in Phoenix
Don't miss out on play, performance, and STEAM with Dr. Loretta Cheeks at the 2023 Juneteenth Freedom Festival in Phoenix, Arizona! 12 pm - 4 pm (Mountain Time).
In person. Avondale, AZ
Event Details

Freedom - A biblical investigation
Join Bertha Bell of the West Street Baptist Church in Bible study, Saturday June 17, 10:00 am — 11:00 am Pacific Time.
Event Details & Recording

Poetic Conversations with Art
We invite you to create poetic conversations: your words in response to drawings, photos and paintings from the art collection of Dr. LeVell Holmes.
Online and in person. Cotati, CA
Event Details

Juneteenth Freedom Celebration Art Show & Sale
In this Juneteenth Freedom Celebration Art Show & Sale, you’ll see works from the collection of Dr. LeVell Holmes, speak with resident artist Elise Durenberger of Mama Cow Creations, and try on artisan hats from local hat maker Laurie Osborne. Business Hours. (Pacific Time).
In person. Cotati, CA
Event Details